How to be that girl 🌱🍵?
Updated: Jul 18, 2022

We all want to be that girl : she studies hard to get good grades she eats healthy food , workout 4 times a week , eat fruits and veggies , she has a minimal wardrobe and she looks chic ...
Whatever bring you that immense joy do that that’s your luxury 🌸
Create your daily routines :
morning and night routines that will help You achieve your long term goals so yeah make sure you add habits like waking up early , take Your vitamins , yoga , workout it depends how you want your day to be and in the night for example study , watch a movie , read a book sleep early ✨ make sure you stick to the routine ✨
Get inspired and learn new things everyday :
from Pinterest , tiktok , podcast , YouTube or simply articles ....
learn things everyday it could be skincare / haircare / fashion ... it’s your choice
improve ur style , makeup routine ... I love love vogue beauty secrets I learn a lot there the makeup of celebs is so simple and they look so gorgeous I want that
Read books ....
so 2020 I started my wellness journey i bought a journal 📓 listened to podcast everyday , self devlop books Ted talks , got inspired everywhere and the great thing is that I was reallyy consistent like I journaled everyday wrote my daily goals , workout I remember I started the daisy keech workout for 3 month and I had results it was so great so I kept doing it I prioritized selfcare i was reading a lloooot of articles now I’m a physiology student this semester I’m studying nutrition I know all about it bc I was learning before so u see you just need to learn new things everyday 📓
Have a consistent workout routine :
idk if your goal is to gain or to loose weight just start now you will be so surprised about the progress u made in 4 months ou less just be consistent I repeat it ✨ and please ur meals should be 80% healthy ( contains vitamins / protein/ fiber .... and the 20% everything u want or crave that’s the rule 🧁 u will thank me later if you follow these tips
visualize ur self achieving all your goals :
you will believe that u will achieve them then u will work harder to be like this and u will be like this after month or more believe me I tried it ✨
Prioritize selfcare and selflove :
do things that u like to do watch ur comfort movie read ur fav book , cook brownies idk anyways something that make you so happy 🌸
idk what I forgot but I’m sure these are the important tips to start with so Remember Consistency and everything is possible leave a comment if u like this post I’ll be so happy 💓